Eduardo Rojas is committed to forest management that mitigates climate change and valorises the ecosystem services of forests  

The ITACA researcher has recently explained his experience in forest management, drought and climate change.

Materials developed to improve hydrogen production from water using microwave radiation

The process, devised by ITQ (UPV-CSIC) and ITACA (UPV) researchers, will avoid CO2 emissions from hydrogen production

ITACA COR Group presents its potential at different world conferences

María S. Guillem and Andreu Climent have explained the pioneering Electrocardiographic Imaging (ECGI) in Cardiac Research.

Antonio Martínez participates as a trainer in the «Digital Health (d-Health)» programme

The SABIEN-ITACA researcher shared his knowledge and experience to improve health systems in Central Asia.

Eloína Coll Aliaga, ITACA researcher, UPV’s «Teaching Excellence» Award

Eloína Coll Aliaga has contributed significantly to the development of new teaching and learning methodologies, especially in higher education.

Leading innovation at the UPV since 1999

More than 1000 research projects, with a total amount of more than 100 million euros; 1500 papers in prestigious scientific journals and more than 2000 contributions to international congresses; 50 patents and 5 spin-offs/start-ups.

ITACA-UPV Institute highlights its contribution to social progress and technological development on its 25th Anniversary

The day included different round tables and two keynote lectures given by José M. Carmena and Javier Sirvent.

València, a benchmark in the debate on sustainable transport thanks to the UPPER project

The main objectives of the project are to increase the use of public transport by more than 30% and to increase user satisfaction by more than 25%.

ITACA institute commemorates 25th anniversary with an event about innovation and technology

The event will be held on 4 July and will include different round tables and two keynote speeches by José M. Carmena and Javier Sirvent.

The mission of ITACA Institute is to improve our society through the transfer and application of our knowledge from research in the ICT field.

Innovation is the main attribute of the Institute, promoting scientific and technological advances with an interdisciplinary approach.

We promote an entrepeneurial and collaborative culture, seeking synergies with other research centers and industry.

Find out about our projects


by | Jun 12, 2023 | Featured Projects,Green Energy and Intelligent Energy Networks,ICTs for Climate Change, Circular Economy & Bioeconomy,Projects | 0 Comments

Energy storage is one of the key factors to reach EU aims to be climate-neutral by 2050, with a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions economy. The decarbonisation and...


by | Jun 11, 2023 | Eco-efficient Microwave Processing,Featured Projects,Microwaves, Radiofrequency & Electronics,Projects | 0 Comments

Iron ore and scrap as raw materials are forming the base of iron and steel production. Due to the transition from carbon-based iron and steel production to green steel...


by | Jun 6, 2023 | Featured Projects,ICTs for Climate Change, Circular Economy & Bioeconomy,Projects | 0 Comments

Today’s forest management decisions affect Europe’s ability to respond to the climate crisis in the long term. Because of forests’ enormous potential to absorb and lock...


by | May 12, 2023 | Featured Projects,ICTs for Climate Change, Circular Economy & Bioeconomy,Projects | 0 Comments

Currently, heating, cooling and hot water in residential buildings, offices, municipal public buildings (such as auditoriums, town halls, swimming pools) and shopping...


by | May 9, 2023 | Eco-efficient Microwave Processing,Electromagnetic Compatibility,Featured Projects,Microwaves, Radiofrequency & Electronics,Projects | 0 Comments

The MERIT project aims to develop innovative technology for producing green hydrogen from water and renewable energies by harnessing microwave acceleration of...


by | May 8, 2023 | Featured Projects,Smart Transport & Green Aviation,Systems Reliability & Cybersecurity | 0 Comments

Autonomous vehicles are already technically feasible and evolving realities. Their intelligence lies in using deep learning neural networks (DNNs) that require higher...


by | Abr 1, 2023 | Cardiovascular Research,COR,Featured Projects,Medical Instrumentation,Projects,Projects COR | 0 Comments

Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia affecting more than 6 million Europeans with a cost exceeding 1% of the EU health care system budget...


by | Mar 6, 2023 | Data Science and Artificial Intelligence,Featured Projects,ICTs for Climate Change, Circular Economy & Bioeconomy,Projects | 0 Comments

Completing the first phase of AVI TRUST2030 in 2020 primarily resulted in the development of quantification models for the most significant greenhouse gas (GHG)...


by | Mar 6, 2023 | Data Science and Artificial Intelligence,Featured Projects,ICTs for Clinical Decision-making,Projects | 0 Comments

Currently access to palliative care is inconsistent, and budgeting and predicting its resources in healthcare systems remains a challenge. Due to the ageing...


by | Mar 3, 2023 | Eco-efficient Microwave Processing,Featured Projects,Microwaves, Radiofrequency & Electronics,Projects | 0 Comments

The DESTINY project aims to realize a functional, green and energy saving, scalable and replicable solution, employing microwave energy for continuous raw material...


by | Dic 31, 2022 | Featured Projects,ICTs for Clinical Decision-making,Process Mining,Projects | 0 Comments

Defeating patient illness and restoring health to the patient is the dominating concept on which the provision of health services by most centres is managed. Increasing...


by | Oct 31, 2022 | Featured Projects,Projects,Smart Transport & Green Aviation | 0 Comments

BUBBLES is a project targeting the formulation and validation of a concept of separation management for UAS in the U-space. BUBBLES will develop Artificial Intelligence...


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