The DESTINY project aims to realize a functional, green and energy saving, scalable and replicable solution, employing microwave energy for continuous raw material treatments. The target is to develop and demonstrate a new concept of heating systems for granular feedstock to realize material transformation using microwave as an alternative energy source and complement to the existing conventional production. The DESTINY system is conceived as cellular kilns in a mobile modular plant, with significant advantages in terms of resource and energy efficiency, flexibility, replicability, scalability and a reduced environmental footprint.
The effect of the DESTINY solutions in relation to stability, process efficiency and characteristics of raw materials, intermediate/sub/final products will be investigated to improve performance of the industrial processes within 3 different sectors (Cement, Ceramics and Steel). New heating technologies, monitoring systems and numerical simulation tools will be used to drive the design and to excel in the outcome.

KERABEN GRUPO coordinates the DESTINY consortium, which is formed by 14 experienced partners with proved capability to develop and achieve the objectives of the project covering a wide geographical representation from 9 European countries of the best research organizations, technology & service provider, and industrial end users. The consortium is composed of the following entities: CEMEX RESEARCH GROUP AG, AL-FARBEN, S.A., CHUMILLAS TECHNOLOGY, S.L., INNCEINNMAT, S.L., Laboratory of Heterogeneous Mixtures & Combustion Systems of NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of UNIVERSITA POLITECNICA DELLE MARCHE, Research Institute ITACA (DIMAS) of UNIVERSITAT POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH, K1-MET GmbH, DK RECYCLING UND ROHEISEN GMBH, Belgisch laboratorium van de elektriciteitsindustrie / ENGIE-LABORELEC, Instituto Superior Técnico / UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA and CIAOTECH S.R.L. – PNO ES.
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