Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

i-Days (November 6-7, 2021)

The EIT Health student competition to tackle health challenges arrives to UPV

For the second consecutive year and hand in hand with EIT Health, the UPV will celebrate the Innovation Days on November 5 and 6, an event designed to motivate and inspire students of any degree, degree and university, as well as anyone interested in the field of innovation in health, wellbeing and entrepreneurship.

i-Days promote health innovation among university students through dozens of one-day and two-day programmes held in academic institutions around Europe. Students from all academic areas receive an introduction to practical health innovation tools and compete in teams to tackle real-life health challenges proposed by EIT Health, local organisations, private corporations or start-ups.

UPV’s competition takes the form of a gamified online platform that turns the solution development process into an adventure that transports us to the conquest of a galaxy, advancing as the phases are completed, adding motivation and fun to address real challenges that Europe is facing in the health sector.

i-Days are accessible to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in healthcare innovation. You do not need any prerequisite skills or prior experience in innovation, entrepreneurship or healthcare. There are no academic requirements and students from all disciplines and departments are welcome to join.

The winning team of each i-Day will attend the Winners’ Event, a final competition that unites students from around Europe, that will take place on November 27, 2021.

UPV’s Innovation Days are organized by EIT Health with the collaboration of IDEASUPV and the ITACA Institute. EIT Health is supported by the EIT, a body of the European Union.

For more information and registration, you can consult the website For any questions, you can contact the organization through

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