Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Leading innovation at the UPV since 1999

More than 1000 research projects, with a total amount of more than 100 million euros; 1500 papers in prestigious scientific journals and more than 2000 contributions to international congresses; 50 patents and 5 spin-offs/start-ups.

More than 1000 research projects, with a total amount of more than 100 million euros; 1500 papers in prestigious scientific journals and more than 2000 contributions to international congresses; 50 patents and 5 spin-offs/start-ups.

These numbers describe the 25 years of life of one of the leading research institutes of the Universitat Politècnica de València and of the Valencian R&D&I ecosystem: the ITACA Institute.

«It has been an amazing and exciting 25 years in which Europe and science have changed tremendously, but where science and Europe have also been profoundly challenged and ITACA Institute has been part of those transformations1″, says José Manuel Catalá, Director of ITACA.

On Thursday 4 July, the Institute celebrated its 25th birthday with different activities. In the morning, it organised a day in which leading experts in the fields of technology, the environment, health, welfare and industry discussed the latest advances and challenges in these sectors.

Speech by José Manuel Catalá during institucional ceremony

Gala and awards ceremony

The institutional ceremony was held in the afternoon, at the Ateneo Mercantil, and was presided by the rector of the UPV, José E. Capilla, accompanied by the regional secretary for Universities, Mª Esther Gómez, and the regional secretary for the Economy and Finance, Eusebio Monzó.

During the ceremony, a video of the Institute’s history was shown and founding members and former directors were honoured.

«After 25 years, we are probably at the most important moment in our history, with more than 120 researchers and a consolidated R&D&I activity in multiple disciplines related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and dedicated to offering solutions in three technological pillars: Industry and Energy, Environment and Mobility, and Health and Wellbeing», Catalá highlighted.

José Manuel Catalá, José E. Capilla, Esther Gómez and Eusebio Monzó.

The impact of ITACA’s innovation

The innovations developed by the ITACA Institute have not only generated direct economic benefits through the commercialisation of technologies, but have also had a significant impact on improving quality of life, as in the case of digital health technologies implemented in national and international hospitals.

«In recent years, the interest of companies and administrations has been aligned with ITACA’s technological pillars and the Institute’s prestige is evidenced by its solid track record in executing contracts with companies and public-private collaboration projects across five continents.

In the last three years alone, we have collaborated in 21 European projects and have signed more than 30 agreements with companies«, Catalá added.

In addition, ITACA’s activity has been recognised by numerous awards, both individual and collective, and numerous national and international organisations have or have had ITACA members among their experts and managers.

«All this has positioned ITACA as a benchmark in the field of advanced information and communication technologies, highlighting its commitment to the creation of a more innovative and sustainable future», said Catalá.

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