The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA) of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) has as its mission the improvement of our society through the transfer and application of knowledge from research in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). With a global vision, ITACA conducts cutting-edge translational research using an approach based on responding to the challenges that our society is facing, creating scientific advances that can be directly implemented by public and private entities.
Located at the Scientific Park of the UPV, ITACA has a staff of more than 100 researchers, and offers a unique working environment for research that is characterized by a strong commitment to collaboration with other research centers and industry, facilitating the acceleration of innovation and encouraging an entrepreneurial culture.
Fueling scientific breakthroughs and technological advances with an interdisciplinary approach, ITACA conducts research over a broad spectrum of disciplines related to ICT, including digital electronic systems, industrial electronics, telecommunication systems, telematics, ICT systems in healthcare, sensor integration, electronic compatibility, electromagnetism and microwave research.
Founded in 1999 by the Governing Board of the UPV, ITACA was recognized in 2005 by the Valencian Government as a University Research Institute, the highest research grade for research structures of Spanish Universities.