Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Two prizes at the E-NNOVA HEALTH 2021 awards

SABIEN-ITACA receives the awards for Digital Transformation and Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Last Wednesday, November 10, the Health and Wellbeing Area (SABIEN-ITACA) of the ITACA Institute received two awards in the first edition of the E-nnova Health 2021 awards. Launched by Diario Médico and Correo Farmacéutico, leading specialized media in the health sector in Spain, belonging to Unidad Editorial, the E-nnova Health 2021 Awards were born in order to identify and recognize digital initiatives in health that add value, contribute to the sustainability of the system and improve the quality of life of the patient.

The INEOM initiative focused on neonates, in which SABIEN-ITACA collaborates with the Health Research Institute La Fe and Hospital la Fe, received the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Award.

SABIEN-ITACA also received the Digital Transformation Award for the use of process mining in the management of an emergency service at the Hospital General Universitario of Valencia.

There were more than 500 nominations for the awards, so obtaining the two prizes represents an important endorsement of the lines of work of SABIEN-ITACA.

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