Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Doctoral Thesis Defense Act

Defense made by Mr. Alejandro MaƱas Garcia

On September 9, at 12:30 a.m. in the ITACA Institute’s Boardroom (Building 8G, Access B, 3rd floor), Universitat PolitĆØcnica de ValĆØncia, the reading and defense of the Doctoral Thesis ā€œEnriching electronic health records with information from clinical decision support systems and open linked dataā€ by Mr. Alejandro MaƱas Garcia are scheduled.

The Directors of the Doctoral Thesis are JosĆ© Alberto Maldonado Segura and MarĆ­a del Mar Marcos LĆ³pez. The Tutor is Monserrat Robles Viejo.

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