Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Innovation Days Valencia 2022 (November 4-5, 2022)

The EIT Health student competition to tackle health challenges arrives to UPV

For the third consecutive year, the Innovation Days Valencia 2022 (i-Days) will take place at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) on 4 and 5 November. The i-Days promote healthcare innovation among university students through dozens of one- and two-day programmes held at academic institutions across Europe.

Students from all academic areas receive an introduction to the practical tools of healthcare innovation and compete in teams to tackle real-life healthcare challenges posed by the EIT Health, local organisations, private corporations or start-ups.

i-Days are accessible to all undergraduate and postgraduate students with an interest in healthcare innovation. You do not need any prerequisite skills or prior experience in innovation, entrepreneurship or healthcare. There are no academic requirements and students from all disciplines and departments are welcome to join.

The winning team from each i-Day will attend an all-expenses-paid event in Vienna to compete in the EIT-Health Winner’s Event. This final competition brings together students from across Europe.

Organised by EIT Health and the ITACA Institute of Universitat Politècnica de València together with IDEAS UPV, the event is sponsored and supported by Conselleria d’Innovació Universitats Ciència i Societat Digital, Ajuntament de València, Ajuntament de Gandia, Dextromedica, S.L., MYSPHERA, Quibim, with the collaboration of Fundació Fisabio, SaforSalut, CiberCV, etc.

For more information, please visit:

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