Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

EDIBO project

Free intensive training in ICTs adapted to the needs of companies and internships

A total of 75 people out of 150 participants have found work. These are the results, so far, of the European project EDIBO (European Digital Bootcamps) that seeks to promote the training and labor insertion of youth and respond to work needs in the field of ICT, information technologies and communications.

The Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) is one of the seven European entities participating in this project, which is aimed at people between 18 and 29 years old who are not studying or working and who are at risk of social or labor exclusion. According to Lenin Lemus, professor at the UPV, researcher at the ITACA Institute of UPV and principal investigator of the project, “in the selection process, the applications made by women and immigrants have been prioritized”.

Theory and practices in companies

The training consists of a theoretical part and an internship part in companies «which last year had to be reduced due to COVID-19,» explains Professor Lemus.

EDIBO offers an intensive 10-week training in information and communication technologies. They are à la carte courses whose content is defined based on the needs detected in a group of collaborating companies.

50% job placement

With the results of the courses already taken, of the 150 people who have been trained, with a dropout rate of 24%, they have managed to get 100 people to graduate and 75 to get a work contract. Data that according to Professor Lenin Lemus have been thanks to the «sum of efforts of public administrations, companies and universities and thus it is possible to increase labor insertion».

The EDIBO project is sponsored by the financial mechanism EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment and the UPV participates in it together with institutions from five other European countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy. It has a total financial endowment of about 1,700,000 euros, of which 283,000 are managed by the Univesitat Politècnica de València.

The project started in October 2018 and will end in October this year. By then, after the 36-month duration of the project, EDIBO will have trained a total of 1,050 people, facilitating their access to the world of work.

More info:

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Source: UPV’s Information Office

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