Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

II Hackathon Jeanologia MISSION ZERO Chair

Innovative and sustainable solutions for garment finishing in the textile industry and its automation.

Within the framework of the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair, attached to the ITACA Institute, a Hackathon will be held, which seeks innovative and sustainable solutions for garment finishing in the textile industry and its automation. For the organisation and development of the Hackathon, the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair has the collaboration of the IDEAS Institute of UPV and the Colegio Oficial de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales (COGITI Valencia).

The Hackathon is aimed at UPV students and graduates from the previous year. The first prize is 4,000 euros and there are also two second prizes of 500 euros.

The registration period ends on March 31, 2023. The Hackathon will take place on April 25 at UPV. The best solutions will be presented at the Jeanologia company on May 2.

The registration form and the rules can be found at

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