Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

European project DISH

The Universitat Politècnica de València, the University of Valencia and La Fe Hospital improve the digital skills of healthcare personnel

The European project DISH (Digital & Innovation Skills Helix in Health), of which the Universidad Politècnica de València (UPV), the University of Valencia (UV) and La Fe Health Research Institute are part, works on the training of health personnel in order to increase their digital and innovation skills.

Through an online training platform, health professionals have open and secure access to digital health information and the optimization of a scorecard for Type II Diabetes Mellitus. With this content, training adapted to your times and needs is offered.

Vicente Traver, researcher at the ITACA Institute of the UPV, affirms that «this year has been so complex and convulsive for society in general, but for the health sector in particular, has once again shown us the need to bet on the training of our professionals in digital tools”.

For her part, Gertrudis Fornés, researcher at the UV Polibienestar Institute, highlights that “an analysis has been carried out of the needs of healthcare professionals, in relation to their digital skills, in each of the member countries of the consortium, in order to adjust to the real needs of the sector”.

At this time of the project and, specifically in the Spanish context, the content of the course is being evaluated by the Valencian School of Health Studies (EVES), with the aim of providing an official certification to the participants (mainly professionals of primary care).

During the first phase of the project, the consortium has defined and described the three main concepts on which this project is based: on-the-job training, creation of innovation units in learning and evaluation as a process.

The DISH project, which began in 2018, lasts three years and is endowed with 996,790 euros. Its general objective is to develop the Europe 2020 Strategy and the main objectives of the European Partnership for Innovation on Active and Healthy Aging.

In total, 19 health service providers, academic institutions, as well as public and non-profit entities from eight European countries participate in DISH.

Source: UPV’s Information Office

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