Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Software for the ergonomic evaluation of jobs (Ergonautas-Toolbox)

Performing in-depth evaluations of workplace ergonomics, identifying risk factors, and procuring recommendations for improvements

Ergonauts-Toolbox is your comprehensive solution for ergonomic evaluation and workplace management. This software gives you the ability to perform in-depth evaluations of workplace ergonomics, identify risk factors, and procure recommendations for improvements, all powered by trusted and prevalent ergonomic evaluation methodologies.


  • Ergonomic Evaluation: This application involves a comprehensive analysis of workplaces to identify ergonomic risk factors. It is crucial in ensuring the comfort and safety of employees in the workplace. 
  • Risk Assessment: The software provides the means to evaluate and analyze various risk factors such as manual handling of loads, repetitive movements, thermal environment, and postural load.

Technology Overview

Ergonauts-Toolbox is designed to provide detailed insights into critical aspects of your workplace. It enables you to analyse risk factors, including manual load handling, repetitive movements, thermal environment, and postural load, helping you promote a safe and comfortable workspace for your employees.

The software incorporates ten established ergonomic assessment methods and an array of evaluation tools, including OWAS, REBA, RULA for postural load; Check List OCRA, JSI for repetitiveness of movements; NIOSH, Snook and Ciriello Tables, INSHT Load Lifting Guide for manual handling of loads; FANGER for thermal comfort; and LEST for global assessment.

Ergonauts-Toolbox offers advanced report generation capabilities, allowing you to produce detailed, customisable reports accessible in Microsoft Word and PDF formats. You can add images, videos, and comments to your assessments, ensuring a thorough understanding of task-related issues. Moreover, it enables you to attach any additional information in any format to keep all relevant details together with your evaluations.

Take advantage of Ergonauts-Toolbox today by purchasing directly from our website: Empower your workplace with ergonomic excellence!


Sabina Asensio Cuesta

ITACA Institute – Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

Camino de Vera, s/n. Edificio 8G, Acceso B, piso 1.

46022 Valencia (Spain)


Phone +34 96 387 70 00 (Extension: 71846)


-> Send email

Technology Details


IP Status:

Registered software


Phase of development:

TRL 9: The new software technology is fully available and can be used in any real-world environment.


Desired Partnerships:

• Non-exclusive licenses


