Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)

Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair

The Chair wants to integrate all the UPV campuses, centers, departments and Institutes related to sustainability and the circular economy

Jeanologia, a leading company in the development of sustainable and eco-efficient technologies, and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) launch the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair of transversal sustainability, to contribute to the development of a more efficient, sustainable and transparent industry, promoting the training of young people to achieve a future respectful for people and the planet.

This new business Chair was created with the desire to integrate the contributions of all the UPV campuses, centers, departments and research institutes related to sustainability and the circular economy. To this end, they are committed «to a model that combines training, research and practice in the face of the new needs and profiles demanded by the market,» they stand out from the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair.

The act of signing the agreement to create the Chair took place at the UPV, with the interventions of Enrique Silla, CEO of Jeanologia; Francisco J. Mora, Rector of the UPV and José Millet, Vice-rector of Employment and Entrepreneurship of the UPV, among other assistants. It should be noted that the financing of the chair comes from the endowment of the 2018 Rei Jaume I Entrepreneur Award, which was awarded to the businessman Enrique Silla.

A union of talent, research and business

From Jeanologia they highlight that “talent and innovation are key for companies on their way to sustainability; the new generations are the ones who are acting as the engine of change and will be the ones who will lead the search for environmental solutions in the future ”.

For this reason, they affirm, it is necessary to unite talent, research and business, creating synergies to jointly disseminate the new business culture. In which, as Enrique Silla, CEO of Jeanologia points out, “the company is the engine to transform the world, since we are convinced that there is a new way of doing business, in which the final objective does not focus only on the economic benefit ”.

“At Jeanologia we know how to do it”, Enrique Silla stressed, “we have been demonstrating for many years that a new way of producing, completely efficient, ethical and sustainable, is possible, what we call Mission Zero. That is why we are increasingly committed to sharing our know-how and promoting innovative projects contributing to the development of a more sustainable future ”.

A disruptive company

For Francisco Mora, Rector of the UPV, the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair is a great opportunity for the Universitat Politècnica de València. “I was lucky enough to visit Jeanologia and was impressed by its intensive use of technology and its focus on caring for the environment and people. It is a great company with which we share objectives and collaboration will be very beneficial for society ”.

For José Millet, Vice-Rector for Employment and Entrepreneurship at the UPV, Jeanologia is a disruptive company, marked by the leadership of its CEO Enrique Silla: «It has a vision, it puts the means to make it a reality and it achieves it.» For Millet, this is the last Chair signed with him as vice-rector «it is a perfect finishing touch, because it brings together all the characteristics that we want in a chair, with activities aimed at the general good.»

The event was attended by, along with the top managers of Jeanologia and the UPV: José Manuel Catalá, Director of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA) of the UPV, where the Chair will be located; Carmina Gil, Head of the UPV’s Integrated Employment Service; Francisco Sales Castells, Professor at the UPV and Director of the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair; Carmen Silla, Head of Marketing and Victoria Puchol, researcher at the company.

More than 25 years betting on an eco-efficient textile industry

Since its birth in 1994, Jeanologia’s mission has been to create an ethical, sustainable and eco-efficient textile industry, through its disruptive technologies and know-how. The company highlights that, through their disruptive laser technologies, G2 ozone, e-flow systems, Smart Boxes, Colorbox and H2Zero, they have revolutionized the textile industry «offering infinite possibilities of design and garment finishing while saving water, energy and chemicals, eliminates waste and harmful emissions ”. Likewise, they highlight that more than 35% of the 5,000 million jeans produced each year in the world are made with their technologies and that they have earned the trust of the main brands in the market.

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Source: UPV’s Information Office

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