Business Chairs

Our institute is firmly committed to this way of establishing an extended and authorised collaboration of companies, foundations or entities with business links with the Universitat Politècnica de València to develop teaching, research and technological and knowledge transfer objectives.

Chair of Governance of the city of Valencia

The objective of this Chair is to develop programs and activities of teaching, technology transfer and knowledge in the area of information technologies and advanced communications in digital and collaborative platforms for an open, participatory and transparent governance in the city of València. The director of the Chair is the researcher Eloína Coll Aliaga.

Year of creation: 2020.

Jeanology Mission Zero Chair

Jeanologia, a leading company in the development of sustainable and eco-efficient technologies, and the UPV have launched the Jeanologia Mission Zero Chair of transversal sustainability, to contribute to the development of a more efficient, sustainable and transparent industry, promoting the training of young people to achieve a future respectful for people and the planet. The Director of this Chair is Francisco Sales Castells, researcher at ITACA Institute.

Year of creation: 2021.

UPV Dextromedica

The purpose of the UPV Dextromédica Chair will be the promotion and development of the activities carried out by the company Dextromédica S.L. and its relationship with the health environment. In the same way, R&D&I proporsals related to and arising from these activities will be encouraged, promoting new ideas and emerging concepts both from the study in the university environment and from the development of the usual professional activity. The Director of this Chair is Antonio Martínez Millana, researcher at ITACA Institute.

Year of creation: 2021.

Medicarama Chair in Technology and Health

The Medicarama Chair in Technology and Health has been created by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and Instituto de Tecnología de Valencia. The Medicarama Chair aims to develop health technologies, promote and disseminate scientific advances and codes of good practice, as well as boost innovative digital education solutions in the field of healthcare. The Chair is directed by José Millet Roig, head of the bioengineering area (BIO) of the ITACA Institute.

Year of creation: 2023.