Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA)


Unleashing the Potential of Public Transport in Europe

Public transport can contribute to sustainable and innovative urban mobility, in line with the Green Deal goals. The EU-funded UPPER project places public transport at the centre of the mobility ecosystem. The project will implement a combination of 84 push-and-pull measures, supported by the UPPER Toolkit and seven IT tools, acting on the five innovation axes that condition user choices: mindset and culture, urban mobility planning, mobility services ecosystem, road network management and democratic governance. The UPPER approach will involve communication, operations, infrastructure and urban fabric. The aim is to achieve an efficient, safe, inclusive and affordable public transport system in line with the concept of Mobility as a Right (MaaR).

UPPER aims at spearheading a Public Transport revolution that will strengthen the role of PT as the flagship of sustainability and innovation of mobility in cities, leading the transition towards a zero emission mobility which will become the cornerstone of climate neutrality by 2030, in line with the goal of Cities Mission and the priorities of the Green Deal. UPPER will put the Public Transport at the centre of the mobility ecosystem and will implement a combination of 84 push and pull measures, acting on the 5 innovation axes that condition user’s choices: mindset and culture, urban mobility planning, mobility services ecosystem, road network management and democratic governance. These measures will act in 4 different timescales (from shorter to longer-term): communication, operations, infrastructure and urban fabric. The UPPER measures will be supported by the UPPER Toolkit (U-TWIN, U-SIM, U-NEED, U-GOV, U-KNOW, U-TRANSFER and U-SUMP), 7 IT tools combining social and technological innovation that will be demonstrated within the measures in the 5+5 UPPER living labs and twinning sites, with the overall target of increasing the use of public transport by >30% and the user satisfaction by >25%, leaving nobody behind in the process.

This integrated and holistic approach will ease the cooperation among authorities and operators, offer a physical and digital environment to test the measures, update the existing SUMPs, optimise the PT offer in line with user needs and patterns, involve the users in the overall mobility decision chain, trigger the behavioural change in favour of Public Transport and achieve an attractive, efficient, reliable, safe, inclusive and affordable Public Transport system in line with the concept of Mobility as a Right (MaaR).

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101095904.


Eloína Coll Aliaga

ITACA Institute – Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Geodésica, Cartográfica y Topográfica

Camino de Vera, s/n. Edificio 7I, third floor, 46022 Valencia (Spain)


Phone +34 96 387 75 53


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Projects Details



Horizon Europe


Project duration:

1 January 2023 – 31 December 2026


Official project website: